
You may NOT succeed at Internet marketing on your own.

It is estimated that 98% of all people who begin online marketing ventures will NOT succeed. Most will fumble around for months until, after spending a ton of time and money and not making a dime, they give up.

Unless you are part of the 2% of people who know what needs to be done and how to do it, you will not make it!
Unless you are part of the 2% of people with a passion for becoming wealthy and the drive to do what needs to be done to get your first million, you will not make it! Keep your eyes on the prize. Set goals for yourself that you aim to achieve daily, monthly and yearly.

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Getting yourself organized is key! Keep a spreadsheet listing all of your affiliate programs, marketing tools and their passwords. Decide on what advertising works for you and at what times. Then write down a schedule for yourself as to when you will utilize each tool. An ad-tracking program is an excellent way to find out where to spend your money and your time.

Making money on the Internet is not easy! I'm sure you probably already know that. Don't continue to try and do it on your own, without guidance from experts, without help from people who have already made many millions of dollars online.

The secret to making money online or anywhere else is DUPLICATION. You copy what already works, you copy what has already made other individuals millions of dollars. You don't reinvent the wheel!

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